Af enlisted ranks
Af enlisted ranks

You’ll serve as superintendents, supervisors, or managers of flights, functions, or units. While you will still be expected to know your job, you are considered a leader and manager of the enlisted force. Senior Noncommissioned Officers (SNCO) Tier – The top three enlisted ranks in the Air Force are master sergeant, senior master sergeant, and chief master sergeant.


In addition to becoming a master of your job, you’ll develop leadership skills and attend Professional Military Education (PME) to prepare you to become a Senior NCO. In these ranks, you’ll transition from worker to supervisory positions.

af enlisted ranks

Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Tier – The NCO tier is made up of staff sergeants and technical sergeants.If you plan to make the Air Force a career, you’ll gain the leadership and discipline to become a Noncommissioned Officer (NCO). Your primary job as an Airman is to acquire the discipline, skills, and education necessary to do your job successfully. Airman Tier – This tier consists of airmen basic, airmen, airmen first class, and senior airmen.

af enlisted ranks

Air Force enlisted ranks are broken down into three tiers: The original design of the Air Force chevron was to have the look of a winged propeller. Enlisted AirmenĮnlisted members wear chevrons with the point down with an encircled star in the center on their sleeves to indicate their rank. Air Force, ranks are divided into two groups: Enlisted (E-1 through E-9) and Commissioned Officers (O-1 through O-10). Air Force officers use bars, oak leaves, eagles, and stars on their shoulders and flight cap to indicate their rank.

af enlisted ranks

Enlisted members wear chevrons on their sleeves to indicate their rank. Whether you are an enlisted Airman or commissioned officer, your rank will determine many of the duties you’ll be expected to perform successfully.

Af enlisted ranks